
Results For: "CasePrepPlus"

NYSBA CasePrepPlus Newsletter 3.29.24

NYSBA CasePrepPlus Newsletter 3.29.24

Posted By: Robert Rosborough
Can New York’s Extreme Risk Protection Order Statute, Which Temporarily Removes Guns from at Risk People, Survive a Second Amendment Challenge?The Court of Appeals this week concluded its opinions from the February argument session, but the most interesting cases, to me, came from the Second and Third Departments.  In the Second Department, the Court rejected a Second Amendment challenge to New York’s extreme risk protection order statute that authorizes the temporary removal of [...]
Tags:   NYSBA / CasePrepPlus /
Practice Area(s):   Litigation and Appeals
NYSBA CasePrepPlus Newsletter 1.19.24

NYSBA CasePrepPlus Newsletter 1.19.24

Posted By: Robert Rosborough
NYSBA CasePrepPlus Newsletter 1.19.24: Chief Judge Rowan Wilson Laments How the Criminal Justice System Can Turn “Minor Antisocial Behavior” Into Needless Criminal ConvictionsThe most interesting case coming out of New York’s appellate courts doesn’t involve a legal issue at all.  Rather, it’s New York Court of Appeals Chief Judge Rowan Wilson’s concurrence in a criminal case about how the criminal justice system should be flexible to address the mental [...]
Tags:   NYSBA / CasePrepPlus /
Practice Area(s):   Litigation and Appeals